
Dear Students and Parents,

We have made it to the end of yet another amazing term! Though this term has been completed under undeniably challenging circumstances, we need to acknowledge the amazing work that has been done by all. Well done to all of us!

During term three, we made strides in our persistence and organisation and tried our very best to navigate and complete our tasks and assessments. In English, we continued to focus on our phonic skills and letter sounds and have thoroughly enjoyed our writing sessions on Thursday afternoons. We shared our journal recounts and included additional writing for various pictures related to our learning. We continued to build on our reading skills by reading aloud each week and completing various reading response tasks.

In integrated studies we learnt about the weather, including weather symbols and how the weather affects us. We dressed in our favourite seasonal clothes. We also had a closer look at materials around us and the different types of materials used to make objects. We looked at the features of objects and used adjectives to describe objects.

In maths, we learnt concepts of volume and capacity, shape and number patterns and addition, as well as extended our understanding of place value by using ten frames to support our learning.

In addition to all this learning, we enjoyed our Wellness Wednesday sessions where we played games, drew pictures, listened to stories, and sang and danced to some groovy songs. We also enjoyed participating in Footy Day and Crazy Hair Day. We finished off the term with our Teddy Bears Picnic where students had an opportunity to introduce their favourite teddy/soft toy and story book and we enjoyed watching a short Care Bears film with a healthy snack. We sang some songs and had great fun!

There have been a few hiccups along the way, however as a new Foundation community we have continued to adapt and grow. We hope that you are able to take pride in what we have collectively achieved.

We wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing you in term four.

Yours in Education,
Mrs Kilic and Mrs Atasay
Foundation Team